SchoolPay Online Payment System
SchoolPay is a safe and quick way to review and pay all of your student’s fees or fines from the comfort of your own home or mobile device. You can pay with your credit/debit card.
Making a payment using SchoolPay:
1. Go to the school portal for parents, The Source, and login with your email address and password.
2. Click on the SchoolPay tab in the left hand column.
2. When you click the SchoolPay tab:
- Your account will be created automatically and you will be taken into the SchoolPay Payment Center.
- You will also receive an email from SchoolPay with login credentials that provide you the option to log in directly from
3. Once you arrive at the Payment Center, you can make payment immediately. There is no activation required. Your students will already be connected to your account.
4. You can continue to log in through the Source, or access the Payment Center through SchoolPay using the credentials provided in the welcome email.
PLEASE NOTE: SchoolPay does not accept lunchroom/meal payments. Learn more about school meals on the Seattle Public Schools Culinary Services page.