Meany Middle School

Middle School

New Date For Prospective Family Tours

Summary : Is your family expecting to have a student at Meany next year and would like to get to know the community? Come join us for a Prospective Family Tour!

Meany Middle School Prospective Family Tours

The tours will be on Monday, March 3rd from 6:30-7:30pm.

  • 6:30-6:45 parents will be welcomed by the Administrative team
  • 6:45-7:15pm. After the presentation until
  • 7:15 pm families are free to have a self-guided tour around the building.

  • Students Welcome! All students must attend with an adult
  • Music Program Welcome! Featuring our orchestra and band students
  • Student Panel! Featuring our ASB Student Leadership Group
  • No RSVP Required!
A flyer with pictures of students enjoying various educational activities as well as a schedule for the evening. The tours will be on Monday, March 3rd from 6:30-7:30pm. From 6:30-6:45 parents will be welcomed by the Administrative team, then there will be a student panel from 6:45-7:15pm. After the presentation until 7:30pm families are free to have a self-guided tour around the building.