Meany ROAR
Meany R.O.A.R.

- Being polite and kind to students, staff, and others
- Treating the hallways, building, and everyone’s property with care.
- Respecting ourselves and others by keeping my hands to myself, listening, speaking up, and contributing positively.
- Admitting when I am wrong and learning from my mistakes.
- Making choices that help make a safe and inclusive community.
- Being an active participant in our learning community to ensure a positive future for all.
- Making myself and my family proud by following the rules.
- Trying my best (even after experiencing failure).
- Recognizing what others do for me and showing appreciation for others.
Responsible and Ready
- Being on time and in my assigned seat at the start of class and school
- Remembering my supplies every day and having my assignments completed on time.
- Coming ready to actively participate and put in my best effort to learning and trying new things.