Edmond S. Meany Middle School
Meany Middle School is a community of lifelong learners that demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and values required for innovative global citizenship.
The mission of Meany Middle School is to work in partnership with students, staff, families and the community to ensure that each student acquires the knowledge, skills and core values necessary to achieve personal success and to enrich the world.
Contact Us
301 21st Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
Main Office: 206-413-2100
Attendance: 206-413-2104
Fax: 206-413-2101
Attendance Office
To report or clear a student absence, please contact our Attendance Specialist, Jade Eliza Rosier, at 206-413-2104 or acmartin1@seattleschools.org
Office Hours:
8:35 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Wednesdays the office closes at 2:45
for staff meetings.

Principal: Chanda E. Oatis ceoatis@seattleschools.org
Assistant Principal: Carlon Munroe camunroe@seattleschools.org
Administrative Secretary: Sarah Marshall 206-413-2100 semarshall@seattleschools.org
Registrar: Kamari Thompson kjthompson@seattleschools.org
Attendance Specialist: Eliza Rosier 206-413-2104 acmartin1@seattleschools.org
Head Counselor: Arthur Au Yeung arauyeung@seattleschools.org
Counselor: John Minor jpminor@seattleschools.org
School Nurse: Maegon Williams 206-413-2107 mmwilliams@seattleschools.org
Security: Marcus Holmes 206-413-2100 maholmes@seattleschools.org